​April 1989 I walked into a 2nd hand store in Nakusp BC, the owner ( Pete ) told me he had just got in a book about the Vietnam. I'd known Pete for several years, he knew I had been in Vietnam and from one our chats he knew that I thought the movies and books about Vietnam were pure bullshit. I guess maybe I'd told him I'd been in the 2nd/28th Inf or something. Anyway
he said he thought this was maybe my old outfit. it was When I tried to buy it Pete just laughed and said you owe me a cup of coffee.

I guess I burnt the midnight oil, I knew some of the guys I remembered (Alberto page 8) (zippo 6 page 9) The two brothers page10.

I've always had a good memory for remembering anything that I considered important and after going back stateside I spent months reliving my days in Charlie company and writing a long detailed story. My main reason for my doing this was to pass it on to my decedents. 

I knew nothing of computers and never once dreamed in less than 3 years with a lot of help I would be building a webpage telling my decedents about my time in Vietnam

Charlie Company