Brothers Who Gave All
11  JUNE  1966         1st Battle of LOC NINH
                HHC  Recon Platoon  Members

SP4   Kenneth A Babb
PFC  Dannie G Braswell
PFC  Thomas S Cameron
PFC  Ronald J Brissett
PFC  Thomas W Chatburn
SSG  Ernest L Duran
SGT  Grady L Elder
PFC  Charles E Ford
PFC  James E Hill
PFC  Louis A Jefferson
SSG  Glen D Lofton
PFC  Richard A Mitchell
PFC  Jack R Price
PFC  Jessie E Shannon
PFC  Michael T Sukara
PFC  John R Thompson
PFC  J C Williams

Sgt Mack Forgey visited Vietnam every June 11th for the past fifty five years. April of 2022 he rejoined his Recon Brothers

               A  COMPANY

CPL  James L Asher
SP4   Michael R Brotzman
SP4   Henry Burch
SGT  John E Miller
PFC  Roy S Pitt


               B  COMPANY

SP4   Charles H Shelton

Pfc Richards name was only added to this page  December 2015 
due to a good friend that noticed he was not listed

               2nd Platoon Charlie Company
SSG  Edward E Greene               2 Jan 1967 
SP4   Garland Fugate                   2 Jan 1967
PFC  Elmer F Spina                     2 Jan 1967
SP4   Ervin C Stranberg               WIA 2 Jan died 3 Jan 1967

SSG Green was my replacement December 29th, these four men were killed just a few days later walking into what was thought to be a deserted base camp, it has often been a thought that if I had but stayed just a few days longer these four names might not be on this page

          Dec 30th 1969

PFC  Ellis Marlin  D Co 2nd/28th

                                     1st Platoon  

SSG  James W Phair  
                                     2nd Platoon

PFC  Dennis E Brown                                        
PFC  David G Bryan                               
SP4   Willie Cole                               
PFC  Michael A Garris                                         
SP4   Donel R Johnson
PFC  Jerry  Looney                      
PFC  Herman R Meneely
PFC  Tim A  Noe                          
PFC  Clay T Norman                     
PFC  Harvey Profitt
PFC  Ronald Richards    see footnote #1
SSG  Franz Wallner

This could have been written for any vet that gave his all

The soldier is not a man of violence, he carries arms and risks his life for mistakes not of his making.

He has the merit of being unflinchingly true to his word to the end, while knowing he will be forgotten

Why we have Memorial Day

This page constructed 1991 by Lee Helle
   Charlie Company     
Brothers Who Gave All
11  JUNE  1966            Battle of LOC NINH
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